I Heart Your Hormones

A bright pink heart on a black background made from a sparkler

When it comes to hormone issues, folks don’t schedule an appointment with me because they’re feeling their best… usually it’s quite the opposite. Some common hormone complaints I see are:

  • I feel tired all of the time

  • I suddenly cannot lose weight anymore

  • My periods are super long and heavy

  • I have zero sex drive

  • My hot flashes are killing me!

When I hear these types of complaints, I ask more questions and try to dig a bit deeper. My conversations with patients who have hormone problems go way beyond what their primary care provider has ever asked them… and they’re usually surprised. I hear this a lot: “I have never connected those two things together until now…”

Connecting the dots is fun! I enjoy helping my patients connect the dots. Here are some questions you might want to ask yourself if you’re having hormone issues… Questions that might help you connect the dots, too:

  • What was going on when these symptoms started?

  • What have you done in the past to help symptoms like this?

  • What are you willing to change in your life? Not willing to change?

  • What is your main source of stress?

  • What is your main stress reduction technique?

  • What are your goals when it comes to your overall health?

I am releasing my first course next month and it addresses a common hormone concern: Estrogen Dominance. If you’re interested or know someone who might be - sign up for my newsletter so you get the information first!

Be well,

Dr. Katie


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Period Probs? Estrogen Dominance May Be Key